Feeling good


MoodSpace is a place for students to find reliable info, advice and self-help tips to face emotional problems and find the strength and resilience to study through difficult times. With space for stories from other students, pep talks and ways to find a friendly ear. A powerful check and boost for your mental health.

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Survival Guide for students

Looking for more tips on improving your well-being or your studies? Find inspiration in the Survival Guide.

Student facilities

Every college and university has a range of well-being programmes for its students. You’ll find it by the student-support service—known in Dutch as Studentenvoorzieningen or Stuvo for short. Below, you’ll find links for the right information for each of the different colleges and universities.

Help is available

101In case of emergency, call the police. Available at any time.
Intrafamilial violence: To file a complaint with the police, you can contact the police's EVA cell. They specialise in taking care of victims of sexual and intrafamily violence and will help you file a complaint.
112For urgent medical assistance (ambulance) and/or fire brigade assistance.
02 535 45 42
Sexual violence: For medical assistance and forensic, police and psychological counselling and when the sexual violence occurred less than a month ago. The Care Centre after Sexual Violence of Brussels (24h/7d and without appointment)
02 217 98 70
Praxis : Afraid of violent behaviour towards your (ex-)partner, your children or another family member living under the same roof?

The helpline for questions about violence, abuse and child abuse: you can reach them by phone, chat or email.

1813At Suicide Line 1813, someone is always there for you. Each call is anonymous and free of charge. Only in Dutch
02 486 45 02
Centrum Algemeen Welzijnswerk (CAW):questions or problems regarding welfare? When you call on the CAW, various forms of help are possible. You can get information and advice, but also longer guidance programmes, shelter or crisis help when the need is high. You always decide what happens.